





热度 2已有 4390 次阅读2012-12-19 21:02 |个人分类:安卓技术

--------- beginning of /dev/log/main

I/DEBUG   (  109): debuggerd: Dec 14 2012 00:27:38

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside main

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): UIM START

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:ST built into the kernel ?

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside insmod

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inserted btwilink module

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:FM driver module un-available... 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:FM driver built into the kernel ?

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside insmod

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inserted gps_drv module

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:FM V4L2 driver module un-available... 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:FM V4L2 driver built into the kernel ?

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:found bluetooth rfkill entry @ 0

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:changed permissions for /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state(0) 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): 

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:install already set

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside st_uart_config

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:install = 1

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:install set to 1

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:opening /dev/ttyHS2, while already open

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:cleanup

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:cleanup = 0 (No such file or directory)

I/Netd    (  108): Netd 1.0 starting

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system

I/Vold    (  105): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up

D/Vold    (  105): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)

D/Vold    (  105): Volume usbdrive state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)

D/Vold    (  105): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)

D/DirectVolume(  105): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 17, PARTN 1

D/Vold    (  105): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)

I/busybox (  103): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside set_baud_rate

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: set_baud_rate() done

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Setting speed to 3000000

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside read_command_complete

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Command complete started

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside read_hci_event

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: read_hci_event

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Command complete done

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Speed changed to 3000000

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside set_custom_baud_rate

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Changing baud rate to 3000000, flow control to 1

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: set_custom_baud_rate() done

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Installed N_TI_WL Line displine

I/NvCpuService(  118): Publishing NvCpuService

I/NvCpuService(  118): Initializing NvCpuService

I/NvCpuService(  118): Worker now ready

I/cm      (  152): Welcome to Android 4.0.4 / CyanogenMod-9.0.0-RC1-kai-UNOFFICIAL 

I/cm      (  153):                                                 _  

I/cm      (  154):  __ __ _ ___  _ _  __  ___  __ _ _  _  _  __  __)) 

I/cm      (  155): ((_ \(/'((_( ((\( ((_)((_( (('((\( ((`1( ((_)((_(  

I/cm      (  156):      ))                 _)) 

I/cm      (  157):   

E/Netd    (  108): Unable to create netlink socket: Protocol not supported

E/Netd    (  108): Unable to open quota2 logging socket

I/busybox (  103): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432

I/        (  113): ServiceManager: 0x1664910

D/AndroidRuntime(  112): 

D/AndroidRuntime(  112): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<

D/AndroidRuntime(  112): CheckJNI is OFF

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): SurfaceFlinger is starting

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...

E/gralloc (  111): Can't open framebuffer device 1: No such file or directory

E/gralloc (  111): Failed to create overlay for display 1

E/gralloc (  111): Failed to create overlay for display 1

E/gralloc (  111): Failed to create overlay for display 1

E/gralloc (  111): Failed to create overlay for display 2

E/gralloc (  111): Failed to create overlay for display 2

E/gralloc (  111): Failed to create overlay for display 2

I/gralloc (  111): using (fd=15)

I/gralloc (  111): id           = tegra_fb

I/gralloc (  111): xres         = 720 px

I/gralloc (  111): yres         = 1280 px

I/gralloc (  111): xres_virtual = 720 px

I/gralloc (  111): yres_virtual = 2560 px

I/gralloc (  111): bpp          = 32

I/gralloc (  111): r            =  0:8

I/gralloc (  111): g            =  8:8

I/gralloc (  111): b            = 16:8

I/gralloc (  111): smem_start   = 0xbec00000

I/gralloc (  111): smem_len     = 0x00900000

I/gralloc (  111): format       = 1

I/gralloc (  111): stride       = 720

I/gralloc (  111): width        = 114 mm (160.421051 dpi)

I/gralloc (  111): height       = 203 mm (160.157639 dpi)

I/gralloc (  111): refresh rate = 60.00 Hz

I/        (  114): ServiceManager: 0x1c08958

D/libEGL  (  111): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

D/libEGL  (  111): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  111): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  111): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): EGL informations:

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): # of configs : 58

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): vendor    : Android

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): version   : 1.4 Android META-EGL

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_NV_system_time EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer 

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): Client API: OpenGL ES

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): EGLSurface: 8-8-8-8, config=0x3

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): OpenGL informations:

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): vendor    : NVIDIA Corporation

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): renderer  : NVIDIA AP

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): version   : OpenGL ES-CM 1.1

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): extensions: GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_OES_vertex_half_float 

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 3839 x 3839

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): flags = 00000000

I/AudioFlinger(  114): Loaded primary audio interface from LEGACY Audio HW HAL (audio)

I/AudioFlinger(  114): Using 'LEGACY Audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface

D/libEGL  (  211): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

D/libEGL  (  211): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  211): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  211): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so

I/AudioFlinger(  114): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)

I/CameraService(  114): CameraService started (pid=114)

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:poll 1 (Try again)

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside st_uart_config

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:install = 0

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Un-Installed N_TI_WL Line displine

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:cleanup

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:cleanup = 0 (Try again)

I/SamplingProfilerIntegration(  112): Profiling disabled.

I/Zygote  (  112): Preloading classes...

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 84% free 413K/2560K, paused 0ms+0ms

I/AudioFlinger(  114): AudioFlinger's thread 0x1c34558 ready to run

W/AudioFlinger(  114): Thread AudioOut_1 cannot connect to the power manager service

I/AudioPolicyService(  114): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)

D/TextLayoutCache(  112): Using debug level: 0 - Debug Enabled: 0

I/dalvikvm(  112): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

D/MtpDeviceJNI(  112): register_android_mtp_MtpDevice

I/dalvikvm(  112): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

I/dalvikvm(  112): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)

E/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): native_init

E/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): After native_init lock

E/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): Guru : native_init profiles

E/MediaProfiles(  112): getInstance

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru :Else 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 0

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 1

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 7

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 8

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 7

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 8

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 7

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 8

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 7

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 8

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 7

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 8

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 7

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 8

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 7

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 8

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 14

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 15

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 14

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 15

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 14

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 15

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 14

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 15

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 14

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 15

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 19

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 20

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 19

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 20

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 19

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 20

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 19

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 20

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 19

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 20

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 24

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 25

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 24

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 25

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 24

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 25

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 24

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 25

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 24

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 25

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 24

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 25

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 24

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 25

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 31

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 32

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 31

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 32

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 31

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 32

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 31

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 32

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 31

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 32

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 31

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 32

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 31

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 32

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 38

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 39

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 38

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 39

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 38

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 39

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 38

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 39

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 38

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 39

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 38

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 39

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 38

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 39

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 45

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 46

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 45

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 46

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 45

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 46

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 45

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 46

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 45

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 46

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 45

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 46

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 45

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 46

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 52

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 53

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 52

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 53

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 52

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 53

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 52

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 53

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 52

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 53

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 52

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 53

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 0, index = 52

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1, index = 53

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 59

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 60

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 59

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 60

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 59

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 60

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 59

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 60

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 59

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 60

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 59

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 60

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1000, index = 59

E/MediaProfiles(  112): Guru : quality = 1001, index = 60

E/MediaProfiles(  112): getInstance 1714d80

E/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): retun sProfiles

E/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): native_init

E/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): After native_init lock

E/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): retun sProfiles

W/Zygote  (  112): Class not found for preloading: android.media.IRemoteControlClientDispatcher

W/Zygote  (  112): Class not found for preloading: android.media.IRemoteControlClientDispatcher$Stub

V/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): native_get_num_audio_decoders

V/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): native_get_audio_decoder_type: 0

V/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): native_get_num_video_decoders

V/MediaProfilesJNI(  112): native_get_video_decoder_type: 0

W/Zygote  (  112): Class not found for preloading: android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics$CharCount

W/Zygote  (  112): Class not found for preloading: android.text.method.WordIterator$1

I/dalvikvm(  112): threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libwebcore.so)

D/dalvikvm(  112): No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libchromium_net.so 0x0, skipping init

W/Zygote  (  112): Class not found for preloading: android.widget.EdgeGlow

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 622K, 37% free 1633K/2560K, paused 13ms

E/PhonePolicy(  112): Could not preload class for phone policy: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$ContextMenuCallback

I/System  (  112): Loaded time zone names for  in 734ms (717ms in ICU)

I/System  (  112): Loaded time zone names for en_US in 389ms (386ms in ICU)

I/System  (  112): Loaded time zone names for zh_CN in 375ms (372ms in ICU)

I/Zygote  (  112): ...preloaded 2298 classes in 3673ms.

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed 975K, 32% free 2196K/3203K, paused 2ms+1ms

I/Zygote  (  112): Preload resources disabled, skipped.

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9K, 32% free 2187K/3203K, paused 2ms+1ms

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 32% free 2187K/3203K, paused 1ms+1ms

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 32% free 2187K/3203K, paused 1ms+2ms

I/dalvikvm(  112): System server process 243 has been created

I/Zygote  (  112): Accepting command socket connections

I/sysproc (  243): Entered system_init()

I/sysproc (  243): ServiceManager: 0x17a0830

D/SensorService(  243): nuSensorService starting...

E/HAL     (  243): load: module=/system/lib/hw/sensors.kai.so

E/HAL     (  243): Cannot load library: link_image[1965]:   112 could not load needed library 'libsensors.base.so' for 'sensors.kai.so' (load_library[1120]: Library 'libsensors.base.so' not found)

E/SensorService(  243): couldn't load sensors module (Invalid argument)

I/sysproc (  243): System server: starting Android runtime.

I/sysproc (  243): System server: starting Android services.

I/SystemServer(  243): Entered the Android system server!

I/sysproc (  243): System server: entering thread pool.

I/SystemServer(  243): Entropy Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Power Manager

I/SystemServer(  243): Activity Manager

I/ActivityManager(  243): Memory class: 48

I/ActivityManager(  243): Enabled StrictMode logging for AThread's Looper

I/SystemServer(  243): Telephony Registry

I/SystemServer(  243): Package Manager

I/PackageManager(  243): Need to read from backup settings file

W/PackageManager(  243): Cleaning up settings file /data/system/packages.xml

W/PackageParser(  243): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #133

W/PackageParser(  243): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Bluetooth.apk Binary XML file line #157

W/PackageManager(  243): Package com.android.camera desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.media.effects; ignoring!

W/PackageParser(  243): No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #538

W/PackageManager(  243): Package com.android.gallery3d desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.media.effects; ignoring!

D/PackageManager(  243): No files in app dir /vendor/app

I/installd(  116): new connection

I/Installer(  243): connecting...

I/PackageManager(  243): Time to scan packages: 3.147 seconds

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.contacts

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE in package com.android.phone

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar

W/PackageManager(  243): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup

W/PackageManager(  243): Not granting permission com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be44)

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package com.android.videoeditor

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.contacts

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cp in package com.android.providers.contacts

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.webkit.permission.PLUGIN in package com.adobe.flashplayer

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1761K, 56% free 3712K/8323K, paused 2ms+11ms

D/PackageManager(  243): generateServicesMap(android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator): 2 services unchanged

I/SystemServer(  243): Account Manager

I/SystemServer(  243): Content Manager

D/PackageManager(  243): generateServicesMap(android.content.SyncAdapter): 4 services unchanged

I/ActivityThread(  243): Pub settings: com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider

I/SystemServer(  243): System Content Providers

D/SettingsProvider(  243): cache for settings table 'secure' rows=37; fullycached=true

I/SystemServer(  243): Lights Service

D/SettingsProvider(  243): cache for settings table 'system' rows=76; fullycached=true

I/SystemServer(  243): Battery Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Vibrator Service

I/power   (  243): *** set_screen_state 1

D/AlarmManagerService(  243): Kernel timezone updated to -480 minutes west of GMT

I/SystemServer(  243): Alarm Manager

I/SystemServer(  243): Init Watchdog

I/SystemServer(  243): Window Manager

I/InputManager(  243): Initializing input manager

W/StatusBarManager(  243): warning: no STATUS_BAR_SERVICE

I/BluetoothProfileState(  243): Message:Entering Stable State

I/InputManager(  243): Starting input manager

I/WindowManager(  243): Enabled StrictMode logging for WMThread's Looper

I/SystemServer(  243): Bluetooth Service

I/WindowManager(  243): Enabled StrictMode for PolicyThread's Looper

I/BluetoothProfileState(  243): Message:Entering Stable State

I/BluetoothProfileState(  243): Message:Entering Stable State

D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine(  243): PowerOff process message: 5

I/bluedroid(  243): Starting hciattach daemon

I/SystemServer(  243): Input Method Service

D/EventHub(  243): No input device configuration file found for device 'aic326x_headset_button'.

W/InputManagerService(  243): Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod

I/EventHub(  243): New device: id=1, fd=101, path='/dev/input/event5', name='aic326x_headset_button', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false

I/SystemServer(  243): Accessibility Manager

D/NvOsDebugPrintf(  114): NvxLiteH264DecoderInit : Opening TVMR H264 block 

D/NvOsDebugPrintf(  114): NvxLiteH264DecoderSecureInit : Opening TVMR H264 block 

I/EventHub(  243): New device: id=2, fd=112, path='/dev/input/event4', name='ft5x0x_ts', classes=0x14, configuration='/system/usr/idc/ft5x0x_ts.idc', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false

D/PermissionCache(  111): checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=1000 => granted (286 us)

I/ActivityManager(  243): Config changed: {1.0 0mcc0mnc zh_CN layoutdir=0 sw360dp w360dp h583dp nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2 themeResource=null}

I/SystemServer(  243): Device Policy

I/SystemServer(  243): Status Bar

D/EventHub(  243): No input device configuration file found for device 'psensor'.

I/SystemServer(  243): Clipboard Service

I/SystemServer(  243): NetworkManagement Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Text Service Manager Service

I/SystemServer(  243): NetworkStats Service

I/SystemServer(  243): NetworkPolicy Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Wi-Fi P2pService

I/SystemServer(  243): Wi-Fi Service

I/OMXCodec(  114): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/SystemServer(  243): Connectivity Service

D/ConnectivityService(  243): ConnectivityService starting up

E/ConnectivityService(  243): Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to use undefined radio 7 in network type 7

E/ConnectivityService(  243): Ignoring protectedNetwork 10

E/ConnectivityService(  243): Ignoring protectedNetwork 11

E/ConnectivityService(  243): Ignoring protectedNetwork 12

E/MobileDataStateTracker(  243): default: Ignoring feature request because could not acquire PhoneService

E/MobileDataStateTracker(  243): default: Could not enable APN type "default"

I/OMXCodec(  114): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

D/NetworkManagementService(  243): Registering observer

D/NetworkManagementService(  243): Registering observer

I/WifiService(  243): WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi enabled

I/SystemServer(  243): Throttle Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Mount Service

D/MountService(  243): got storage path: /mnt/sdcard description: USB 存储器 primary: true removable: false emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: false maxFileSize: 0

I/SystemServer(  243): Profile Manager

D/ProfileService(  243): Found active: 39459481-f140-4e2c-b38b-4f635b93e878

I/PackageManager(  243): Updating external media status from unmounted to unmounted

E/WifiStateMachine(  243): DriverFailedState

D/VoldCmdListener(  105): volume list

D/MountService(  243): volume state changed for /mnt/sdcard (null -> unmounted)

D/MountService(  243): volume state changed for /mnt/usbdrive (null -> removed)

D/EventHub(  243): No input device configuration file found for device 'lsensor'.

D/ProfileService(  243): Set active profile to: 39459481-f140-4e2c-b38b-4f635b93e878 - 默认

D/ProfileService(  243): Saving profile data...

D/ProfileService(  243): Save completed.

I/SystemServer(  243): Notification Manager

I/OMXCodec(  114): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/SystemServer(  243): Device Storage Monitor

I/SystemServer(  243): Location Manager

I/SystemServer(  243): Country Detector

I/SystemServer(  243): Search Service

I/SystemServer(  243): DropBox Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Wallpaper Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Audio Service

I/OMXCodec(  114): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/AudioService(  243):   Remote Control   registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{40e6faf0: PendingIntentRecord{40e6fa50 android broadcastIntent}}

I/SystemServer(  243): Dock Observer

W/DockObserver(  243): This kernel does not have dock station support

I/SystemServer(  243): Wired Accessory Observer

I/SystemServer(  243): USB Service

I/SystemServer(  243): UI Mode Manager Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Backup Service

V/BackupManagerService(  243): Initializing package tracking

V/BackupManagerService(  243): No ancestral data

V/BackupManagerService(  243): addPackageParticipantsLocked: all

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app android never backed up; scheduling

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:poll 1 (Try again)

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside st_uart_config

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:install = 1

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:install set to 1

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app com.android.browser never backed up; scheduling

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app com.android.calendar never backed up; scheduling

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app com.android.inputmethod.latin never backed up; scheduling

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app com.android.nfc never backed up; scheduling

D/EventHub(  243): No input device configuration file found for device 'interrupt-keys'.

I/EventHub(  243): New device: id=5, fd=160, path='/dev/input/event3', name='interrupt-keys', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app com.android.providers.settings never backed up; scheduling

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside set_baud_rate

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: set_baud_rate() done

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Setting speed to 3000000

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside read_command_complete

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Command complete started

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside read_hci_event

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: read_hci_event

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app com.android.providers.userdictionary never backed up; scheduling

I/BackupManagerService(  243): New app com.android.sharedstoragebackup never backed up; scheduling

V/BackupManagerService(  243): Registering transport android/com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport = com.android.internal.backup.LocalTransport@40dacaf8

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Command complete done

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Speed changed to 3000000

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside set_custom_baud_rate

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Changing baud rate to 3000000, flow control to 1

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: set_custom_baud_rate() done

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Installed N_TI_WL Line displine

V/BackupManagerService(  243): Starting with transport com.google.android.backup/.BackupTransportService

V/BackupManagerService(  243): Google transport not present

I/BackupManagerService(  243): Found stale backup journal, scheduling

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   android

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   com.android.browser

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   com.android.calendar

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   com.android.inputmethod.latin

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   com.android.nfc

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   com.android.providers.settings

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   com.android.providers.userdictionary

I/BackupManagerService(  243):   com.android.sharedstoragebackup

I/BackupManagerService(  243): Backup enabled => false

I/BackupManagerService(  243): Opting out of backup

I/SystemServer(  243): AppWidget Service

I/SystemServer(  243): Recognition Service

I/SystemServer(  243): DiskStats Service

I/SystemServer(  243): SamplingProfiler Service

I/SystemServer(  243): NetworkTimeUpdateService

I/SystemServer(  243): AssetRedirectionManager Service

D/EventHub(  243): No input device configuration file found for device 'gpio-keys'.

I/EventHub(  243): New device: id=6, fd=161, path='/dev/input/event2', name='gpio-keys', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false

D/EventHub(  243): No input device configuration file found for device 'tegra-aic326x Headset Jack'.

I/EventHub(  243): New device: id=7, fd=159, path='/dev/input/event6', name='tegra-aic326x Headset Jack', classes=0x80, configuration='', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false

I/InputReader(  243): Device added: id=7, name='tegra-aic326x Headset Jack', sources=0x80000000

I/InputReader(  243): Device added: id=6, name='gpio-keys', sources=0x00000101

I/InputReader(  243): Device added: id=5, name='interrupt-keys', sources=0x00000101

W/InputReader(  243): Invalid value for touch.size.calibration: 'normalized'

I/InputReader(  243):   Touch device 'ft5x0x_ts' could not query the properties of its associated display 0.  The device will be inoperable until the display size becomes available.

I/InputReader(  243): Device added: id=2, name='ft5x0x_ts', sources=0x00001002

I/InputReader(  243): Device added: id=1, name='aic326x_headset_button', sources=0x00000101

I/InputReader(  243): Reconfiguring input devices.  changes=0x00000004

I/InputReader(  243): Device reconfigured: id=2, name='ft5x0x_ts', surface size is now 720x1280, mode is 1

I/WindowManager(  243): SAFE MODE not enabled

D/dalvikvm(  243): JIT started for system_server

I/ActivityManager(  243): Config changed: {1.0 0mcc0mnc zh_CN layoutdir=0 sw360dp w360dp h583dp nrml long port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3 themeResource=null}

D/PowerManagerService(  243): system ready!

I/Zygote  (  243): Process: zygote socket opened

I/ActivityManager(  243): System now ready

I/SystemServer(  243): Making services ready

D/SystemServer(  243): Starting service: Intent { cmp=com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService }

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.systemui for service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService: pid=324 uid=1000 gids={1015, 3002, 3001, 3003}

D/NetworkManagementService(  243): enabling bandwidth control

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1518K, 52% free 3999K/8323K, paused 2ms+4ms

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -D INPUT -m owner --socket-exists res=256

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -D INPUT -m owner --socket-exists res=768

V/TransportControlView(  243): Create TCV com.android.internal.widget.TransportControlView@40e04f20

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -N costly_shared res=768

D/SystemUIService(  324): loading: class com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar

D/SystemUIService(  324): running: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar@40da41c8

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -I INPUT -m owner --socket-exists res=768

I/PowerWidget(  324): Clearing any old widget stuffs

I/PowerWidget(  324): Setting up widget

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -I INPUT -i lo --jump ACCEPT res=768

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -I OUTPUT -m owner --socket-exists res=768

I/bluedroid(  243): Starting bluetoothd deamon

I/PowerWidget(  324): Default buttons being loaded

I/PowerWidget(  324): Button list: toggleWifi|toggleBluetooth|toggleGPS|toggleSound

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -I OUTPUT -o lo --jump ACCEPT res=768

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -F costly_shared res=768

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/iptables -A costly_shared --jump penalty_box res=512

D/libEGL  (  243): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

D/libEGL  (  243): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -A costly_shared --jump penalty_box res=768

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

D/libEGL  (  243): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -A costly_shared -m owner --socket-exists res=768

D/libEGL  (  243): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so

E/BandwidthController(  108): runIptablesCmd(): failed /system/bin/ip6tables -A costly_shared --jump ACCEPT res=768

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): problem enabling bandwidth controls

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): com.android.server.NativeDaemonConnectorException: Cmd {bandwidth enable} failed with code 400 : {Bandwidth command failed}

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): at com.android.server.NativeDaemonConnector.doCommandLocked(NativeDaemonConnector.java:281)

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): at com.android.server.NativeDaemonConnector.doCommand(NativeDaemonConnector.java:241)

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): at com.android.server.NetworkManagementService.systemReady(NetworkManagementService.java:191)

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): at com.android.server.ServerThread$1.run(SystemServer.java:743)

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.systemReady(ActivityManagerService.java:7080)

F/NetworkManagementService(  243): at com.android.server.ServerThread.run(SystemServer.java:732)

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

D/OpenGLRenderer(  243): Enabling debug mode 0

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)

D/NetworkManagementService(  243): Registering observer

D/NetworkManagementService(  243): Registering observer

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.UsbReceiver: pid=403 uid=10016 gids={1015, 1023, 1024, 2001, 3003, 3007}

I/ActivityManager(  243): Config changed: {1.0 0mcc0mnc zh_CN layoutdir=0 sw360dp w360dp h583dp nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4 themeResource=null}

W/RecognitionManagerService(  243): no available voice recognition services found

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.bluez.Error.NoSuchAdapter (No such adapter)

E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(  243): failure setting up Event Loop!

I/PowerWidget(  324): Clearing any old widget stuffs

I/PowerWidget(  324): Setting up widget

I/PowerWidget(  324): Default buttons being loaded

I/PowerWidget(  324): Button list: toggleWifi|toggleBluetooth|toggleGPS|toggleSound

I/ActivityThread(  403): Pub media: com.android.providers.media.MediaProvider

I/ActivityThread(  403): Pub downloads: com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider

I/StatusBarManagerService(  243): registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@40eb9338

D/PhoneStatusBar(  324): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* CLOCK* >

I/ActivityThread(  403): Pub drm: com.android.providers.drm.DrmProvider

I/DownloadManager(  403): in removeSpuriousFiles

W/InputManagerService(  243): Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid 1000 token: null

D/MtpService(  403): starting MTP server in MTP mode

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.inputmethod.latin for service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME: pid=421 uid=10023 gids={}

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_CONCURRENT freed 316K, 35% free 5427K/8323K, paused 3ms+5ms

I/LocationManagerService(  243): Setting GPS Source to: 0

D/NetworkManagementService(  243): Registering observer

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.phone for added application com.android.phone: pid=444 uid=1001 gids={3002, 3001, 3003, 1015}

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.nfc for added application com.android.nfc: pid=452 uid=1027 gids={3002, 3001}

I/ActivityManager(  243): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/.Launcher} from pid 0

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet for activity com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/.Launcher: pid=470 uid=10041 gids={}

I/SystemServer(  243): Enabled StrictMode for system server main thread.

D/StorageNotification(  324): Startup with UMS connection false (media state unmounted)

I/StorageNotification(  324): UMS connection changed to false (media state unmounted)

V/AudioManager(  324): shouldVibrate, group: a126d48a-aaef-47c4-baed-7f0e44aeffe5 mode: DEFAULT

D/SystemUIService(  324): loading: class com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI

D/SystemUIService(  324): running: com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI@41082c70

I/ActivityThread(  444): Pub mms: com.android.providers.telephony.MmsProvider

I/NfcService(  452): Starting NFC service

E/BinaryDictionaryGetter(  421): Could not find a dictionary pack

I/ActivityThread(  470): Pub com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet.settings: com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet.LauncherProvider

E/ActivityThread(  421): Failed to find provider info for com.android.inputmethod.latin.dictionarypack

I/ActivityThread(  444): Pub sms: com.android.providers.telephony.SmsProvider

I/ActivityThread(  444): Pub telephony: com.android.providers.telephony.TelephonyProvider

D/WifiService(  243): New client listening to asynchronous messages

W/TelephonyProvider(  444): onCreate: confFile=/system/etc/apns-conf.xml oldCheckSum=-1

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.userdictionary/.UserDictionaryProvider: pid=488 uid=10001 gids={3003, 1015}

D/NFC JNI (  452): NFC Service : loading JNI

I/ActivityThread(  444): Pub icc: com.android.phone.IccProvider

I/ActivityThread(  444): Pub mms-sms: com.android.providers.telephony.MmsSmsProvider

I/ActivityThread(  488): Pub com.android.voicemail: com.android.providers.contacts.VoicemailContentProvider

I/GPS_HAL (  243): open_gps: Entering

I/GPS_HAL (  243): ti_get_gps_interface: Returning Interface

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: Entering

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: name   [gps-xtra] 

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: Entering

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: name   [agps] 

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: Entering

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: name   [gps-ni] 

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: Entering

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: name   [gps-debug] 

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: Entering

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_get_extension: name   [agps_ril] 

W/GpsLocationProvider(  243): Could not open GPS configuration file /etc/gps.conf

I/GPS_HAL (  243): hgps_init: Entering

I/GPS_HAL (  243): log_init: Verbose = 1

V/GPS_HAL (  243): set_navl_server: Entering!

D/libEGL  (  324): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

I/RegisteredComponentCache(  452): ComponentInfo: ResolveInfo{40da0fd0 com.android.apps.tag.TagViewer p=0 o=0 m=0x108000}, techs: android.nfc.tech.Ndef, 

D/libEGL  (  324): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=508 uid=1000 gids={1015, 3002, 3001, 3003}

D/libEGL  (  324): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so

I/ActivityThread(  488): Pub com.android.social: com.android.providers.contacts.SocialProvider

W/NfceeAccess(  452): could not find /etc/nfcee_access.xml, no NFCEE access allowed

I/NfceeAccess(  452): read 0 signature(s) for NFCEE access

I/ActivityThread(  488): Pub applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:poll 1 (Try again)

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Inside st_uart_config

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:install = 0

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim: Un-Installed N_TI_WL Line displine

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:cleanup

E/uim-sysfs(  106): uim:cleanup = 0 (Try again)

D/libEGL  (  324): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so

D/NfcService(  452): checking on firmware download

E/BluetoothService.cpp(  243): setBluetoothTetheringNative true

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: UUIDs : 6

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: UUIDs : 7

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: UUIDs : 8

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: UUIDs : 9

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: UUIDs : 10

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: Pairable : false

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: Powered : false

D/BluetoothEventLoop(  243): Property Changed: UUIDs : 11

D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine(  243): WarmUp process message: 54

D/OpenGLRenderer(  324): Enabling debug mode 0

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.smspush for service com.android.smspush/.WapPushManager: pid=523 uid=10045 gids={}

D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine(  243): WarmUp process message: 51

I/DownloadManager(  403): deleting spurious file /cache/dalvik-cache

I/DownloadManager(  403): deleting spurious file /cache/backup

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed 33K, 74% free 2199K/8323K, paused 2ms+2ms

V/AudioManager(  324): shouldVibrate, group: a126d48a-aaef-47c4-baed-7f0e44aeffe5 mode: DEFAULT

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2199K/8323K, paused 5ms+2ms

I/ActivityThread(  488): Pub contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2199K/8323K, paused 2ms+2ms

I/ActivityThread(  488): Pub call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider

I/ActivityThread(  488): Pub user_dictionary: com.android.providers.userdictionary.UserDictionaryProvider

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_EXPLICIT freed 418K, 34% free 5568K/8323K, paused 3ms+5ms

D/        (  444): [ApnContext] set reason as dataEnabled, for type default,current state IDLE

D/        (  444): [ApnContext] set reason as dataEnabled, for type mms,current state IDLE

D/        (  444): [ApnContext] set reason as dataEnabled, for type supl,current state IDLE

D/        (  444): [ApnContext] set reason as dataEnabled, for type dun,current state IDLE

D/        (  444): [ApnContext] set reason as dataEnabled, for type hipri,current state IDLE

D/CAT     (  444): CatService: Running CAT service. STK app installed:true

D/CAT     (  444): CatService: NEW sInstance

D/CallManager(  444): registerPhone(GSM Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneProxy) {40dc3548})

D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(  508): LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete

W/ActivityManager(  243): Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.ussd.IExtendedNetworkService }: not found

D/Bluetooth HSHFP(  444): Starting BluetoothHeadsetService

V/SipBroadcastReceiver(  444): start auto registration

D/dalvikvm(  324): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 477K, 38% free 5164K/8323K, paused 34ms

I/dalvikvm-heap(  324): Grow heap (frag case) to 20.262MB for 7372816-byte allocation

I/SearchManagerService(  243): Building list of searchable activities

D/dalvikvm(  324): GC_CONCURRENT freed 32K, 21% free 12332K/15559K, paused 2ms+2ms

D/libEGL  (  470): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

D/libEGL  (  470): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  470): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  470): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so

D/OpenGLRenderer(  470): Enabling debug mode 0

I/SurfaceFlinger(  111): Boot is finished (13028 ms)

I/PackageManager(  243): Updating external media status from unmounted to mounted

D/PowerManagerService(  243): bootCompleted

V/DevicePolicyManagerService(  243): Sending password expiration notifications for action android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED

D/VoldCmdListener(  105): volume mount /mnt/sdcard

W/Vold    (  105): Volume is idle but appears to be mounted - fixing

D/Vold    (  105): Volume sdcard state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 4 (Mounted)

D/MountService(  243): volume state changed for /mnt/sdcard (unmounted -> mounted)

I/PackageManager(  243): No secure containers on sdcard

D/MtpService(  403): onStorageStateChanged /mnt/sdcard unmounted -> mounted

D/MtpService(  403): addStorageLocked 65537 /mnt/sdcard

D/MountService(  243): sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///mnt/sdcard (has extras) }

D/VoldCmdListener(  105): asec list

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.contacts for broadcast com.android.contacts/.calllog.CallLogReceiver: pid=572 uid=10001 gids={3003, 1015}

I/OMXCodec(  114): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/OMXCodec(  114): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.contacts

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE in package com.android.phone

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar

W/PackageManager(  243): Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG in package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup

W/PackageManager(  243): Not granting permission com.android.voicemail.permission.READ_WRITE_ALL_VOICEMAIL to package com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x28be44)

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package com.android.videoeditor

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.contacts

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cp in package com.android.providers.contacts

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission android.webkit.permission.PLUGIN in package com.adobe.flashplayer

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development

W/PackageManager(  243): Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)

I/OMXCodec(  114): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/OMXCodec(  114): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/OMXCodec(  114): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/OMXCodec(  114): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/StorageNotification(  324): Media {/mnt/sdcard} state changed from {unmounted} -> {mounted} (primary = true)

I/OMXCodec(  114): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/OMXCodec(  114): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/OMXCodec(  114): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

I/OMXCodec(  114): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.google.vorbis.decoder'

V/WiredAccessoryObserver(  243): init()

W/WiredAccessoryObserver(  243): This kernel does not have wired headset support

W/WiredAccessoryObserver(  243): This kernel does not have wired headset support

D/dalvikvm(  470): GC_CONCURRENT freed 980K, 30% free 6645K/9415K, paused 2ms+4ms

V/OtaStartupReceiver(  444): onReceive: intent action=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED  mOtaspMode=-1

D/OtaStartupReceiver(  444): OTASP not supported, nothing to do.

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.bel.android.dspmanager for broadcast com.bel.android.dspmanager/.receiver.BootCompletedReceiver: pid=611 uid=10012 gids={3002}

I/AccountTypeManager(  572): Loaded meta-data for 1 account types, 0 accounts in 37ms(wall) 10ms(cpu)

E/DefaultVoicemailNotifier(  572): No voicemails to notify about: clear the notification.

I/HeadsetService(  611): Starting service.

I/RecoverySystem(  243): No recovery log file

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.cyanogenmod.updater for broadcast com.cyanogenmod.updater/.receiver.UpdateCheckReceiver: pid=628 uid=10005 gids={3003, 1015, 2001}

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /proc/last_kmsg to DropBox (SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG)

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1058K, 28% free 5999K/8323K, paused 36ms

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 510K, 31% free 6068K/8711K, paused 29ms

I/UpdateCheckReceiver(  628): Scheduling future, repeating update checks.

D/dalvikvm(  470): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2245K, 39% free 5890K/9543K, paused 21ms

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarReceiver: pid=646 uid=10009 gids={3003, 1015}

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.cyanogenmod.updater.updater.service.UpdateCheckService for service com.cyanogenmod.updater/.service.UpdateCheckService: pid=657 uid=10005 gids={3003, 1015, 2001}

I/ActivityThread(  646): Pub com.android.calendar: com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2

I/UpdateCheckService(  657): Checking for updates...

I/UpdateCheckService(  657): Could not check for updates. Not connected to the network.

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_01 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_02 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1279K, 35% free 5839K/8903K, paused 36ms

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_03 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver: pid=681 uid=10014 gids={}

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_05 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/ActivityThread(  681): Pub com.android.deskclock: com.android.deskclock.AlarmProvider

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1378K, 35% free 5809K/8903K, paused 63ms

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_07 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

V/AlarmClock(  681): AlarmInitReceiver finished

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.email for broadcast com.android.email/.service.EmailBroadcastReceiver: pid=699 uid=10017 gids={3003, 1015}

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_08 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/BootReceiver(  243): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)

I/ActivityThread(  699): Pub com.android.email.provider;com.android.email.notifier: com.android.email.provider.EmailProvider

I/ActivityThread(  699): Pub com.android.email.attachmentprovider: com.android.email.provider.AttachmentProvider

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.exchange for service com.android.exchange/.ExchangeService: pid=717 uid=10018 gids={3003, 1015}

I/ActivityThread(  717): Pub com.android.exchange.directory.provider: com.android.exchange.provider.ExchangeDirectoryProvider

D/ExchangeService(  717): !!! EAS ExchangeService, onCreate

D/ExchangeService(  717): !!! EAS ExchangeService, onStartCommand, startingUp = false, running = false

D/Eas Debug(  717): Logging: 

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.mms for broadcast com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver: pid=739 uid=10027 gids={3003, 1015}

D/ExchangeService(  717): !!! EAS ExchangeService, onStartCommand, startingUp = true, running = false

D/ExchangeService(  717): Received deviceId from Email app: android1355913934467

D/ExchangeService(  717): Reconciling accounts...

D/ExchangeService(  717): !!! EAS ExchangeService, onStartCommand, startingUp = true, running = false

D/Eas Debug(  717): Logging: 

I/ActivityThread(  739): Pub mms_temp_file: com.android.mms.TempFileProvider

I/ActivityThread(  739): Pub com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider: com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider

I/ActivityThread(  739): Pub com.android.cm.mms: com.android.mms.templates.TemplatesProvider

V/MmsConfig(  739): mnc/mcc: 

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: bool value: enabledMMS - true

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: maxMessageSize - 307200

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: maxImageHeight - 480

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: maxImageWidth - 640

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: defaultSMSMessagesPerThread - 500

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: defaultMMSMessagesPerThread - 50

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: minMessageCountPerThread - 10

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: maxMessageCountPerThread - 5000

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: string value: uaProfUrl - http://www.google.com/oha/rdf/ua-profile-kila.xml

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: recipientLimit - -1

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: smsToMmsTextThreshold - 4

D/CountryDetector(  243): The first listener is added

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: bool value: enableMultipartSMS - true

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: bool value: enableSplitSMS - false

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: bool value: enableSlideDuration - true

V/MmsConfig(  739): tag: int value: maxMessageTextSize - -1

V/GPS_HAL (  243): navl_server START

V/GPS_HAL (  243): readConfigFile: Entering

D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper(  444): [MmsSmsDb] tableName: threads hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE threads (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,date INTEGER DEFAULT 0,message_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,recipient_ids TEXT,snippet TEXT,snippet_cs INTEGER DEFAULT 0,read INTEGER DEFAULT 1,type INTEGER DEFAULT 0,error INTEGER DEFAULT 0,has_attachment INTEGER DEFAULT 0) result: true

D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper(  444): [MmsSmsDb] tableName: canonical_addresses hasAutoIncrement: CREATE TABLE canonical_addresses (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,address TEXT) result: true

D/MmsSmsDatabaseHelper(  444): [getWritableDatabase] hasAutoIncrementThreads: true hasAutoIncrementAddresses: true

I/CalendarProvider2(  646): Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar }

W/ContentResolver(  646): Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)

E/GPS_HAL (  243): ERROR: readConfigFile: fopen FAILED !!!

E/GPS_HAL (  243): ERROR: hgps_init: Config file reading FAILED !!!

V/GPS_HAL (  243): set_navl_server: Entering!

E/GPS_HAL (  243): set_navl_server: FIFO Opening FAILED !!!

W/GpsLocationProvider(  243): Failed to enable location provider

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1468K, 35% free 5828K/8903K, paused 34ms

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_EXPLICIT freed 135K, 35% free 5876K/8903K, paused 2ms+4ms

I/BootReceiver(  508): Restore disabled by user preference.

D/CAT     (  444): CatService: Return current sInstance

D/CAT     (  444): StkAppService$ServiceHandler: OP_BOOT_COMPLETED

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.noshufou.android.su for broadcast com.noshufou.android.su/.UpdatePermissionsReceiver: pid=793 uid=10037 gids={3003, 1015}

I/dalvikvm(  793): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 11...

I/ActivityThread(  793): Pub com.noshufou.android.su.provider: com.noshufou.android.su.provider.PermissionsProvider

D/Su.Util (  793): Start PermissionsDbService

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.voicedialer for broadcast com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver: pid=810 uid=10044 gids={3002}

D/Su.PermissionsDbService(  793): onHandleIntent()

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed 37K, 74% free 2199K/8323K, paused 3ms+2ms

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2199K/8323K, paused 1ms+2ms

D/dalvikvm(  112): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 74% free 2199K/8323K, paused 1ms+1ms

D/ExchangeService(  717): !!! EAS ExchangeService, onStartCommand, startingUp = true, running = false

D/Su.PermissionsDbService(  793): permissions.sqlite opened

D/MediaScannerReceiver(  403): action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /mnt/sdcard

D/Su.PermissionsDbService(  793): got cursor from su.db

D/Su.PermissionsDbService(  793): closing permissions.sqlite

I/ActivityManager(  243): Start proc com.android.calendar for broadcast com.android.calendar/.widget.CalendarAppWidgetService$CalendarFactory: pid=828 uid=10008 gids={3003}

I/ActivityThread(  828): Pub com.android.calendar.CalendarRecentSuggestionsProvider: com.android.calendar.CalendarRecentSuggestionsProvider

V/MediaScanner(  403): pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@40e4dee8

V/MediaScanner(  403): /pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@40e4dee8

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_EXPLICIT freed 727K, 36% free 5723K/8903K, paused 6ms+7ms

D/PhoneStatusBar(  324): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK HOME recent* CLOCK >

D/OpenGLRenderer(  243): Flushing caches (mode 0)

I/ActivityManager(  243): Displayed com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/.Launcher: +26s554ms

D/PhoneStatusBar(  324): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent clock* >

I/ActivityManager(  243): START {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from pid 324

D/PermissionCache(  111): checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (414 us)

D/OpenGLRenderer(  470): Flushing caches (mode 1)

D/dalvikvm(  243): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 177K, 32% free 6106K/8903K, paused 39ms

I/dalvikvm-heap(  243): Grow heap (frag case) to 15.155MB for 1048592-byte allocation

D/OpenGLRenderer(  324): Flushing caches (mode 0)

D/OpenGLRenderer(  470): Flushing caches (mode 0)

W/System.err(  508): Removed 2131231236

W/System.err(  508): Removed 2131231247

W/System.err(  508): Removed 2131231248

D/libEGL  (  508): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so

D/libEGL  (  508): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  508): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so

D/libEGL  (  508): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so

D/OpenGLRenderer(  508): Enabling debug mode 0

I/ActivityManager(  243): Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +666ms

I/ActivityManager(  243): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from pid 508

I/ActivityManager(  243): Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +132ms

D/OpenGLRenderer(  508): Flushing caches (mode 0)

E/WifiStateMachine(  243): DriverFailedState






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